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In Focus

"See more clearly when you are informed"

​Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, with 1.2 billion Hindus worldwide and 2.2 million in the U.S. The complexity of Hinduism is often more difficult to understand without direct experience with or extensive study of Hindu beliefs. Below you will find key terms, statistics, and other useful tools to understand and talk about Hinduism. If you would like to know more, consider coming to an IYC event. Our next one can be found below in the section labeled Our Events. We host them virtually, on a wide range of topics, discussing policy, civics, and current events. 

Key Terms You Should Know


A Hindu place of worship; a temple.


Occurs after death when the eternal soul moves on to a new body.


Is a decorative symbol on a person’s forehead of the third, inner eye focusing inward towards God. These are also known by the names Kumkum, Sindoor, Teep, Tikli, and Bottu.

The Vedas:

The oldest scriptures in Hinduism, passed down orally until written in Vedic Sanskrit between 1500 & 500 BC. The texts are considered by some to be timeless & divine.


An acknowledgement that many religions may be true and co-exist rather than there being one ‘true’ religion.


Moments In History

500 BCE - Consolidation of Hindu practices & building of temples.

1920 - Mahatma Gandhi begins non-cooperation campaign.

2014 - Hindu Nationalist Party comes back into power.

1906 - First major North American temple in San Francisco.

2000 - A Sanskrit prayer was spoken for the first time in a joint session of Congress.


Pew Research Center's projections for 2020 showed that over 9 out of 10 Hindus worldwide live in India.

According to Pew Research Center, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, with 1.2 billion Hindus worldwide and 2.2 million in the U.S.

Diwali is celebrated by 95% of Indian American Hindus, from a 2012 study from Pew Research Center.

Closely tied to Hinduism (though outlawed), the caste system is intertwined in the social fabric of India, stigmatizing those in the lowest caste: 100,000,000 people (15%), according to a Cultural Survival article from 2010.

According to Pew Research Center, 44% of Hindus feel closest to the deity Shiva.







Selfless Service

Notable Names

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Ram Dass

Laxmi Narayan Tripathi

Sindhu Vee

George Harrison




Our Events



Further Resources

Hinduism Infographic

Share what you have learned about Hinduism. Our Infographic has been designed to be shared easily by printing, emailing, or posting on social media. Click on the image to view or download the PDF File. (Not for commercial use.)

Hinduism Infographic 8-24.png

Celebrate & Create Event Video

Our crafting event for kids was lots of fun! Use your own materials to participate in our craft project. This event was co-facilitated by Kyle Ukes, who has been practicing Hinduism for over a decade and has studied various schools of thought within Hinduism. Watch the video to learn how to make your own lamp for Diwali! You can also make an event out of it by hosting your own Celebrate & Create: Hinduism crafting party. Feel free to share this video with others! (Not for commercial use.) 

Take Action


Wish someone a Happy Diwali and ask questions to learn more about this holiday celebration.


Attend a kirtan.

Friendly Hands Together Unity

Commit to one Hinduism appreciation action this week!


Find a personally meaningful Hindu mantra and recite it during the day.

Friends sitting together

Share our Hinduism Infographic with friends, family, and anyone and everyone you think would appreciate becoming more informed!

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Inform Your Community acknowledges that the land on which our headquarters resides was the territory of the Lenape. We offer our sincerest respect and gratitude for their stewardship of this land which helped shape Lower Manhattan. 

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